Student Rugby in Maastricht

The student population is well represented within MMRC.

The Maastricht Student Rugby Society ‘de Maraboes’ for instance is characterized by being the last to remain standing on and off the pitch.

Never played rugby…? No problem!!! 

Many people don’t start this fascinating sport until their student days, so there is a place within our club for starting ladies and gentlemen (including non-students) and youth from 8 years to 88 years.

Training to get acquainted with the sport is always possible. Shoes with studs (“football shoes”), sportswear and a mouthguard (mouth protection) are sufficient. A mouthguard is available at the club and in any sporting goods store. You can train up to 3 times without obligation and free of charge. We ensure that you quickly master the basics of the sport in a safe and fun way. And when you’re ready… you can just play your first rugby match.

Students with a UM sports card receive a discount on the club membership fee. For more information click on the logo of UM SPORTS below.

Seniors train on Tuesdays from 6:45 PM to 8:45 PM and on Thursdays from 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM.


The UM sports membership is mandatory of a membership of a sport association, in case you are a student. Please contact UM sports frontdesk for more information. Without membership of UM sports you pay the full membership fee of the club. More information on club fees, click here.





Contact Gijs Weekers :

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The Margrieten (Maastricht Rugby Grieten) is a Maastricht-based women’s rugby team. The team itself is comprised of people from different countries and backgrounds.

Our diversity is what makes us strong and enriches each and everyone of us. We share our bruises on and off the pitch.

Feeel free to drop by for our trainings. we have people who have concerted from all kinds of other sports and there is no need to have been involved in a specific sport to come and give it a try!

In recent seasons we have worked together with other clubs to play matches. This season, however, we will participate in the women’s competition with a complete team of Ma.r.grieten.

We are looking forward to meet you!

Contact Marloes Brummelman:

Coach / Trainer:  



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Categorie: Dames

None of us were born with a rugbyball in our crib, but a lot of us do have past high school and college athletic experience in a variety of sports. You can depend on our experienced coach and players to teach you the laws and skills you need to play the game.

Categorie: Dames

You can never be too small to play Rugby: everyone on the team plays a special role. In most cases the smaller players are the most fit and the fastest.

Categorie: Dames

We play against women’s rugby teams from all over the Netherlands and Eugerio Maas-Rhein. The Ma,r,grieten team mainly consists of young students but most other teams we play against are a wild mix of women of different age, size and background.

Categorie: Dames

Rugby is a sport that is intense in many ways. The social and sportive experiences made often produce long-lasting friendships and creates a unique team spirit from within. Hence, rugby is a good way to develop contacts socially and to make friends. Rugby also develops character and physical fitness which helps go forget about the at times stressful college/ university study periods.

Categorie: Dames

Part of the school/college/university is growing as a individual and accepting responsibility for your classwork. In school/college/university you have many distractions and time management is of the utmost importance. We have regular mandatory practices every Tuesday and Thursday. Games are usually on the weekend. So get yoyrrear of the couchand bring your potential to the pitch!

Categorie: Dames

Rugby is a physical sport. Every contact sport has its injuries. We will teach you the proper techniques and physical stamina to reduce the chances of injury (don’t forget your mouthguard).

Categorie: Dames

Do not hesitate to ask further questions! You can either drop by during practice every tuesday and thursday or simply write us an email: